Tags: Application Safety Ventilation 18/06/2021 Everything you need to know about roof and attic ventilation Proper ventilation will ensure a longer lifespan for your roof. Learn the ways how and reasons why to ventilate your roof/attic.
Tags: Application FAQ Ventilation 20/06/2023 Shingles on tiny houses: what are the possibilities? IKO shingles can be a high-quality and aesthetic option for your tiny house adventure. Going from extreme low slopes to steep roof slopes and vertical walls, all can be handled with IKO Shingles.
Tags: Roofer mistakes Application Roof protection 08/06/2021 Most common mistakes made by roofers – part 4 A successful roof project requires following the correct application methods. Every minor mistake can cause leakage. Over the course of 4 blogs, we’ll be summing up some of the most common mistakes. (4/4)
Tags: Roofer mistakes Roof protection Roof deck 08/06/2021 Most common mistakes made by roofers – part 3 A successful roof project requires following the correct application methods. Every minor mistake can cause leakage. Over the course of 4 blogs, we’ll be summing up some of the most common mistakes. (3/4)
Tags: Winter FAQ Roof protection 03/03/2021 How to keep your shingles roof winter proof Follow our tips and tricks to ensure a safe winter proof shingle roof.
Tags: Roof protection Application Ventilation 17/06/2021 Why can a new roof fail? 4 reasons explained What if, shortly after the installation, your roof starts showing signs of failure? What can be the reason of new roof failure?