Covering hips and ridges on your shingles roof

Covering hips and ridges on your shingles roof
Be sure that you order the rectangular roof shingles from the same shingle range in matching colours to cover hips and ridges, when installing rounded biber/beaver shaped roof shingles on your roof (Superglass-Biber and Victorian PLUS).
- For 'Superglass Biber' => order 'Superglass 3TAB' to cover hips and ridges.
- For 'Victorian PLUS' => order 'Armourglass PLUS' to cover hips and ridges.
- For 'Cambridge Xpress' or 'Cambridge Xtreme 9.5°' order 'Superglass 3TAB' in matching colours!
- In all other cases cut rectangular or diamant shaped shingles into individual pieces.

Application instructions
A good approximation is to order an extra 10 - 15 % material (depending on the amount of roof detail) for coverage of the hips, ridges and starter strip.
When applying round shaped (Biber/Beaver) or laminated shingles be sure to order rectangular shingles in a matching colour to cover hips and ridges.
Cut rectangular or diamant shaped shingles into individual pieces by dividing the shingle at the cut-outs.
Apply the hip and ridge shingles double thickness by stacking two pieces and bending them over the hip or the ridge.
In cold weather warm the shingle before bending.
Nail the capping 16 cm from the tab edge and 2,5 cm from each side, exposing each piece 14 cm. Start application from the end of the ridge opposite the direction of the prevailing winds.